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Math Functions

Math functions can be used on the numeric bar to calculate values.

Part Assembly

Specify to have your parts assembled for you.

Design Statistics

View miscellaneous information about your design.

Keyboard Shortcuts

View a list of eMachineShop keyboard shortcuts.

Math Functions

Math functions can be used on the numeric bar to calculate values.

Operation Notation
Addition +
Multiplication *
Division /
Modulus mod
Raise to the power ^
Absolute value Abs ()
Arc Tangent Atan ()
Cosine Cos ()
Sine Sin ()
Exponent Exp ()
Natural logarithm Ln ()
Round to the nearest integer Round ()
Square root Sqrt ()
Square Sqr ()
Minimum Min (x;y)
Maximum Max (x;y)

Part Assembly

You can specify to have your parts assembled for you.

  1. Locate a supplier for any required hardware, adhesives, etc. and get a price.
  2. In your design, use Comments To Machinist to provide assembly instructions.
  3. Examples of assembly comments:
    • “Affix bolt hinge here (with arrow pointing to holes) #123456, $5.00 for pack of 10. $10 total, eMachineShop supplied.”
    • “Insert PEM fastener. Customer will supply via UPS.”
    • “Affix side panels with mcmaster adhesive #123.”

eMachineShop can assemble:

  1. Bolts
  2. Nuts
  3. Dowels
  4. Inserts
    • PEM
    • Helicoil
    • Slimserts
    • Keenserts
  5. Hinges
  6. Pins
  7. Rivets
  8. Joining parts with adhesive
  9. Etc.

Design Statistics

  1. Choose menu Tools > Compute > Statistics.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Key Function
1 Zoom 1:1
Shift + Zoom In
Zoom Out
= or + Zoom to Fit
E Selects Eraser Tool
/ Selects Line Drawing Tool
[ Selects Rectangle Drawing Tool
O Selects Circle Drawing Tool
A Selects Arc Drawing Tool
T Selects Text Drawing Tool
G Selects Line Edit Tool
C Selects Corner Rounding Tool when an applicable shape is selected.
G Selects Line Edit Tool
V Changes the view of the drawing
L Rotates the selection to the left
R Rotates the selection to the right
F1 Opens Help Guide in browser
F2 Opens Preferences dialog
F5 Opens the Line > Machine dialog
F9 Prices the current design
Tab Changes selection to the next object
Shift + Tab Changes selection to the previous object
Ctrl + D Selects the Repeat Tool
Ctrl + G Groups current selections
Ctrl + I Initiates the Intersect function
Ctrl + J Opens the Settings dialog
Ctrl + M Opens the Materials dialog
Ctrl + R Opens the 3D Render View of the drawing
Ctrl + T Opens Rotations setting dialog
Ctrl + U Ungroups current selection
Ctrl + F6 Opens the Contour dialog
Ctrl + Alt + F3 Request a Manual Quote
Ctrl + Shift + N New Instance
Ctrl + Page Up Goes to the top layer
Ctrl + Page Down Goes to the bottom layer
Page Up Go up a layer
Page Down Go down a layer