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Service Overview

Custom Polypropylene Parts

eMachineShop has machined and molded polypropylene parts for over 15 years. You can design and order your parts with our free CAD software or upload your own CAD file for a fast quote.

  • FREE Shipping in the USA.
  • No Minimum Order Quantity.
  • 100% Quality Guaranteed.
As Seen In:


has a high melting point, is flexible, and has an impressive strength-to-weight ratio. This thermoplastic reflects heat and light and is highly resistant to water, electricity, acid, and fatigue.

Polypropylene is one of the most popular commodity plastics and is widely used in the packaging, automotive, and construction industries.


  • Hinges
  • Housewares
  • Piping systems
  • Packaging and labels
  • Prosthetic devices
  • Plating barrels
  • Railroad crossing mechanisms


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